本隐私政策适用于在马来西亚设立的所有Extra Space Asia集团公司(“Extra Space Asia”或“我公司”、“我司”或“我司所有”)。本政策管辖提交至Extra Space Asia个人数据的收集、使用和披露,包括通过www.extraspaceasia.com.my,并解释我公司如何收集处理个体个人数据,以及遵守马来西亚《2010年个人数据保护法》(709法案)及其法规(“个人数据保护法”)相关要求。在本政策中,“个人数据”应具有个人数据保护法所赋含义。


Extra Space Asia将出于合理商业目的收集、使用或披露个人数据,前提是个人同意或视为已同意,并且已知会相关目的信息。根据适用法律规定或授权,我公司也可能因之收集、使用或披露个人数据。


Extra Space Asia从客户、业务联系人、合作伙伴、人员、承包商和其他个体处收集个人数据。相关个人数据可能以个人填写表格、面对面会议、电子邮件、电话交谈、通过我公司网站或由第三方提供给我司。如果任何个人联系我司,我公司可能留存联系记录。





Extra Space Asia致力于保障保护您的隐私。如果我公司要求您使用本网站期间提供能够识别您身份的某些信息,您可以放心,我公司仅根据本政策使用相关信息。


  • 履行我公司提供客户要求的服务和/或商品过程期间的义务或相关义务;
  • 验证身份;
  • 让客户和其他联系人了解我公司提供的其可能感兴趣的服务
  • 用于一般管理和报告目的,如发票和帐户管理
  • 用于解决您可能遇到的与我公司产品服务相关的任何问题或争议。
  • 遵守任何适用法律、法规、行为准则、指南或规则,或协助任何政府和/或监管机构进行执法及调查;
  • 供招聘用
  • 与我公司人员聘用及向我公司人员提供内部服务相关目的
  • 与上述相关或关联的所有其他附带商业目的


Extra Space Asia尊重您提供给我公司个人数据的保密性。



如有申请,Extra Space Asia将根据个人数据保护法规定向个人提供其个人数据或个人数据其他相关恰当信息。



Extra Space Asia致力于保障个人数据安全存储。您有权随时要求我公司限制对您个人数据的处理和使用。(例如,要求我公司停止向您发送任何营销和促销材料或出于营销目的与您联系)。

在您发出合理通知撤销就我公司收集、使用或披露其个人数据所给予或视为已给予的任何同意后,Extra Space Asia将通知您撤销同意的可能后果。除非适用法律要求或授权,否则我公司将停止(并促使我公司任何数据中介和代理停止)收集、使用或披露个人数据。

相关申请应发送电子邮件至:dpo@extraspaceasia.com,联系我公司数据保护官,或邮寄至:M-G, Sunway PJ@51A, Jalan SS9A/19, Seksyen 51A, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia。


Extra Space Asia采用普遍接受的技术和运营安全标准,保护我公司拥有或控制的个人数据,防止未授权访问、收集、使用、披露、复制、修改、处置或类似风险。Extra Space全体人员遵循网络范畴安全政策。仅授权的Extra Space人员方可访问个人身份信息,且相关人员已同意确保所涉信息机密性。Extra Space任何履约代理亦按要求遵守本政策。


只要有理由认为相关留存不再符合收集此类个人数据的目的,并且相关留存已非法律或商业目的所必需,Extra Space Asia将终止留存个人数据。


如果发生数据泄露,Extra Space Asia将采取措施评估是否需要通知。如果数据泄露可能对您造成重大伤害,和/或所涉极广,Extra Space Asia将于72小时内通知您和PDPC。








如果客户、员工或个人对Extra Space Asia如何处理其个人数据有任何疑虑或进一步疑问,或对此类事宜有任何问题或投诉,请发送电子邮件至:dpo@extraspaceasia.com,联系我公司数据保护官,或邮寄至:M-G, Sunway PJ@51A, Jalan SS9A/19, Seksyen 51A, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia。



Extra Space and its agents may from time to time request such information (including your name, mailing address, e-mail address, type of request or other information) to provide you with a service or correspondence such as newsletters or promotional materials, or inform you of additional information and services, or to contact you regarding changes to the contents of this website. We may also use such information for any other purposes for which we have obtained your consent.

However, if you have registered your telephone number with the national Do Not Call (DNC) Registry, we will not send you promotional or marketing messages via your telephone unless you have provided Extra Space with your consent to do so. If you have previously provided Extra Space with such consent, then unless this is withdrawn, we may continue to send promotional and marketing messages via your telephone.

You may send us an email to promotions@extraspace.com.sg if you wish to access and/or correct your personal information provided earlier. You may also at any time choose not to receive such updates by sending us an email at info@extraspaceasia.com to inform us of your decision. Please give Extra Space and its agents a reasonable amount of time to attend to your request as Extra Space and its agents may at times, receive large volumes of email requests of varying nature. To safeguard your personal data, all electronic storage and transmission of personal data are secured with the appropriate security technologies, Extra Space and its agents use reasonable endeavour to protect personal information from loss, misuse and alteration. Only authorized employees of Extra Space and its agents who are bound by Extra Space confidentiality obligations will have access to your personal information.

By accessing this website and obtaining the facilities, products or services offered through this website, you agree that Singapore law shall govern such access and the provision of such facilities, products and services and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts

This website may contain links to third-party websites whose data protection and privacy policies and practices differ from Extra Space and its agents’. Extra Space and its agents are not responsible for the content and privacy policies and practices of third-party websites.

Extra Space reserves the right to amend this Privacy Statement from time to time without prior notice to you. Should there be any amendments, the revised statement will be posted on this website and shall only apply to data collected after the effective date of the revised statement. Your continued use of this website following any privacy statement posted will constitute your agreement to the new Privacy Statement as amended.

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